Finding The Best Defense Attorney For Your Case
Although there are a number of effective strategies for defending someone who is charged with a DWI offense in Houston, the number one strategy for avoiding a DWI conviction has nothing to do with anything any attorney can do for you.
Instead, it has everything to do with the care you take in choosing the right attorney.
At Tad Nelson & Associates, our Houston based DWI defense attorneys put in the extra time and effort to stay up-to-date and knowledgeable about the latest techniques and approaches to DWI defense.
If you’re facing criminal charges for Driving While Intoxicated or DUI and you’re seeking cutting edge legal counsel that’s dedicated to winning, let us help you.
About Attorney Tad Nelson
Mr. Nelson is a member of the National College for DUI Defense and recognized as a criminal law specialist by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
As a former assistant district attorney, Tad Nelson’s unique understanding of how the prosecution approaches these cases has proven invaluable to our firm’s clients time and time again.
Tad Nelson has also completed all classes and certifications that police officers have to take prior to working in DWI enforcement and conducting field sobriety tests.
Beating DWI Charges in Trial
Preparing and conducting a DWI trial requires a great deal of strategy and understanding of scientific principles. DWI cases sound simple, but in fact are among the most scientifically intensive criminal defense work in existence.
Knowing this information, and how to explain it to a jury or judge requires training, skills, and experience that not all DWI attorneys in Houston possess.
If you’re seeking information or legal representation for yourself or a loved one, contact our law offices today to learn more about your legal options.
Just because you were arrested doesn’t mean that you can be found guilty in court for the alleged offenses. Protect your future. Contact Tad Nelson & Associates today at 713-802-1631.