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Administrative License Revocation (ALR)

Updated: Apr 27, 2023 @ 7:58 am

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Automatic Texas Driver License Suspension

ALR Hearing Defense Services

If you’re seeking legal representation for an ALR Hearing, our law office can help. For more information, contact Attorney Tad Nelson or Amber Spurlock at 713-802-1631.

The criminal consequences of a DWI conviction – jail time, fines and a criminal record – are only half of what you face when arrested for drunk driving in Texas. There will also be a civil proceeding, called the administrative license revocation hearing (ALR), where your license may be suspended and you’ll lose your privilege to drive on all public roadways in the State of Texas.

Such a result can be devastating to most Houstonians.

If you’re unable to drive, you’ll have difficulty getting to work, school or anywhere that you need to go. A suspended Texas Driver License may even inhibit your ability to care for your children or other family members.

Because your ability to remain behind the wheel is at stake at an ALR hearing, you need to turn to an accomplished Houston DWI and ALR Hearing Attorney to fight your license suspension.

Texas Administrative License Revocation ALR

At The Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates, we’ve helped hundreds of clients in Houston and throughout Texas stay on the road and keep a DWI from ruining their lives.

In Court, Results Matter.

Our results-oriented trial strategies were developed by attorney Tad Nelson, who founded our law firm after serving as an assistant district attorney in Galveston County, TX.

Today Mr. Nelson uses his firsthand knowledge of how prosecutors operate and the skills he has acquired over more than three decades of legal practice to lead our team of Texas administrative license revocation lawyers.

Contact us to schedule a meeting with our legal team. During our consultation you’ll see how our experience and dedication to our clients and knowledge of the Texas legal system can benefit you.

The License Revocation Process In Texas

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) will initiate a suspension action against you if you refuse a breath, blood or chemical test when you are arrested. The DPS will also pursue this suspension if you fail any of these tests, such as blowing a .08 or greater on the breath test.

Your Texas Driver License will automatically be suspended if you don’t request a hearing within 14 days of your arrest. As such, it’s vital to reach out to an experienced DWI defense attorney and request this hearing as soon as possible.

If you submit your request for a hearing within this 14-day period, you’ll be able to continue driving until the ALR hearing. If the judge hands down a suspension at the hearing, the terms of the suspension can be severe.

For a first offense DWI, the suspension can be as long as 90 days for failing a sobriety test and up to one year for refusing to take a test. The suspension periods increase drastically for every subsequent DWI.

Facing Driver License Suspension?

Contact Attorney Tad Nelson for Help!

Houston DWI Attorney Tad NelsonAt The Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates, our comprehensive defense representation encompasses both your criminal case and the ALR hearing. We’ll give you the best chance to minimize the damage that a DWI can inflict on your life.

Contact us as soon as possible so that we can start working for you and help you keep your life on track. Arrange a free initial consultation by calling 713-802-1631.

Attorney Tad Nelson is Board Certified® in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, and ACS/CHAL Lawyer-Scientist, a proud Texan and proud father.

Schedule a meeting with Mr. Nelson today.

Houston Administrative License Revocation Attorney

The Law Office of Tad Nelson & Associates

Houston DWI Lawyer Tad A Nelson is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the TBLS.

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