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Schedule Your Free Consultation
Admitting that you need help is often the first step to getting matters resolved. In the case of fighting a serious DWI charge, it’s critical to work with experienced, reputable DUI/DWI defense lawyer as soon as possible. Dismissal of charges, deferred adjudication, negotiated plea to a lesser charge and effective defense at trial depend on the abilities and knowledge of your attorney.
We’re Committed to Helping You!
At The Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates, we’re committed to helping clients facing criminal charges for DWI, DUI and other criminal offenses. We’ve helped people out of a variety of serious circumstances throughout the Houston area. All DUI and DWI charges are extremely serious. Convictions can have devastating impacts on your life and result in a permanent criminal record. GET HELP. REACH OUT TO US IMMEDIATELY.
If you’re interested in meeting with us at our Houston office location, the map, phone number and driving directions are below. Thank you from The Law Offices of Tad Nelson & Associates.
The Law Office of Tad Nelson & Associates • 1221 Studewood St • Houston, TX 77008
PHONE: 713-802-1631